
120918 Leeteuk Twitter Update : Minha ya, Call Me Oppa! OPPA!!!

120918 Leeteuk Twitter Update : Minha ya You Called me Uncle....
Leeteuk & Park Minha [from Yesterday LAST 'Star King' Recording with Him]
120918 Leeteuk Twitter Update : Minha ya said Leeteuk Samchon, Bogosipoyo

@special1004 : 민하가 딜 을하기 시작했다..ㅋㅋㅋ민하야 오빠라고!!!오빠!!!^^이렇게 하면 아니에요~~삼촌!!!이러는 민하..맛있는거 사줄게!!!ㅋㅋㅋ이제부터 오빠다!!!ㅋㅋ뽀뽀!!!ㅋ

@special1004 :  Minha started a deal..ㅋㅋㅋMinha-ya(,) call me oppa!!!oppa!!!^^its not like this~~minha who called me uncle!!!..I will buy you something delicious!!!ㅋㅋㅋfrom now on(,) its oppa!!!ㅋㅋkiss!!!ㅋ  

[words on the pic: samchon! If you buy me something delicious(,) I will call you oppa]

Credit : @special1004
trans by   @Teukables
Posted here by : Sheilanda Park (
please credit 'sheilanda-superjunior.blogspot.com' as well. kamsahamnida <3

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