
120918 Eunhyuk Twitter Update : it's really like a dream

120910 Kyuhyun Twitter Update : that is the charm of vacations!! Gidaehaedo Joha Let's go
120910 Kyuhyun Twitter Update : 1
120911 Eunhyuk Twitter Update : I Love you too,...
120911 Eunhyuk Twitter Update : Kya This is what a Holiday is, Right?
120911 Eunhyuk Twitter Update : tasty ramyeon
120911 Ryeowook Twitter Update : A Europe vacation that I would never forget~^^
120911 Ryeowook Twitter Update : We Have to Have Dinner
120911 Eunhyuk Twitter Update : I I I I'm a rockstar  
120911 Kyuhyun Twitter Update : Too bad I didnt get to do the bungee jump..
120912 Ryeowook Twitter Update : Ares Pagos
120913 Kyuhyun Twitter Update : Either while the fading sun's a pity...
120914 Ryeowook Twitter Update : recharging do~ne
120914 Kyuhyun Twitter Update : Ryeong : What is that, hyung???
120915 Eunhyuk Twitter Update : I miss My Mother...
120915 Eunhyuk Twitter Update : Sun is Setting...
120915 Eunhyuk Twitter Update : Sha La La La La
120915 Kyuhyun Twitter Update : After Eating...
120915 Kyuhyun Twitter Update : Kamari Beach (ELF, Kyuhyun TOPLESS)
120915 Kyuhyun Twitter Update : There’s a difference
120915 Ryeowook Twitter Update : Wine Time~~
120915 Ryeowook Twitter Update : Breath of wine ~ ~
120916 Eunhyuk Twitter Update : Trip to Greece last day already!! V!!
120916 Kyuhyun Twitter Update : Food, clothing and shelter ....
120916 Ryeowook Twitter Update : white & blue days ..  
120916 Kyuhyun Twitter Update : I will be back!! Gialos beach~~
120917 Eunhyuk Twitter Update : We arrived in Korea and the typhoon is set....
120917 Eunhyuk Twitter Update : Comeback!!!!!!!!!!!
120917 Ryeowook Twitter Update : The temple of Apollon
120918 Kyuhyun Twitter Update : Opened my eyes and it was like a dream..

@AllRiseSilver : 정말꿈만같다

@AllRiseSilver :  it really is only like a dream

Credit : @AllRiseSilver
Trans by @Teukables
Posted here by : Sheilanda Park (
please credit 'sheilanda-superjunior.blogspot.com' as well. kamsahamnida <3 

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