
120912 Eunhyuk to be The Temporary LEADER of Super Junior After Leeteuk Enlistment

[news on Radio Star (Preview)]Eunhyuk wanted the 'leader' spot that will be empty after LeeTeuk goes to army. Eunhyuk said "After Leeteuk, the next in line is me.", and proclaimed things he would do as a leader Leader Leeteuk also talked about times when he sacrificed everything for the members, as a leader. He also talked about the member who he wants to fill the Leader spot temporarily, and the member who he wants to go to army with. Airs on 12th 

 *As I thought before that Eunhyuk Oppa that will be the temporary Leader,... We believe you, Oppa <3*

Credit  : Twitter @NKSubs
Posted here by Sheilanda Park ()
please credit 'sheilanda-superjunior.blogspot.com' as well. kamsahamnida <3

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