
120901 MBC Music Core : SPY GoodBye Stage T.T

Uhm,... I heard that today Music Core is also the last GoodBye stage for SPY. Why? Because Super Junior Oppa-deul will not attend SBS Inkigayo tomorrow (but this news unconfirmed , just a rumor). Today's Music Core was veeeery Zzang. Super Junior and ELF interaction is really priceless. Cannot describe it on words. I'm dying watch the video. SJ+ELF are forever. Nothing cant break us. Nothing can't stop us. For everyone who didn't watch the video yet, I have the link below. Check this out!!!

and this one was The EunBoa performance [Eunhyuk Cut]:

120901 MBC Music Core BoA Only One ft Super Junior EunHyuk

cr : (via sup3rjunior.com)

Yeah,.. it's already confirmed that there will no Inkigayo tomorrow,.. T.T. Teuk Oppa confirmed it via twitter,..

@special1004 There is no Inkigayo tomorrow..!!!

cr @special1004 (via sup3rjunior.com)

kyaaaa,... wae?? T.T

I have the gif of the SUJU Shoot and ELF Dying,... XD

During recording, Uri Oppa-deul were very nice to ELF as usual. Here the fan accout about it. Check that out!
"SPY stage is simple… black with white zigzag lines lighting up and the words super junior and spy…. Waiting for prerecording to begin…
During rehearsals hae hit hyuks head after singing the not ok part lol
Siwon accidently bumped into yesung and siwon kept hugging him saying sorry
Lmao new ending pose… All sj shooting!! ELF act like dying
Members were laughing so hard at us dying omg hahahaha
Boys all in black with gold trim and black shirts with gems sooo shiny when they take off their.jackets
Kyaaa yeye was creeping on siwon.. Lol standing right behind him breathing on his neck lol
During teukie and sungmin solo hyuk plays with the fans haha
Hyuk cant seem to keep his arms of sungmin.. Haha in the beginning pose kept rubbing sungmins sides and stuff lol
They were showing us how to “die” shooting each other.. And shindong shot teukie.. Kangin shot shindong.. And then hyuk who…
Somehow rejected the bullet and it shot kangin again hahaha… Oh yeah kangin shooting siwon and siwon was sooo cute getting shot lol…
Shindong tries to shoot hae and hae becomes a ninja and runs away laughing
Yeye was shooting hyuk and he was like….. But then finally reacted lol cute bbs
After the boys taught us how to die.. They performed and shot ELF and ELF acted like we got shot and SJ.tried their best to hold their pose
And then they finally busted out laughing sooo excited and.giving us.the thumbs up ahahahahaha
Siwon’s expressions big eyes eyebrows up so excited hahaha
It was so much fun dying hahaha shindong was like if you dont want to be filmed die and.cover your face at the same.time lol
Before the boys got on the stage we could hear them testing their mics & shindong started talking… Super junior! Twins! & started singingㅋ
While talking to fans sungmin was fanning himself with his jacket half off and used the sleeves to fan himself so cute
kangins mic tapeRT @himurahimeko Sungmin had something attached to his hand & then when he couldnt get it off, he rubbed it off on ryeowook.
Sungmin came onto stage and just took kangin’s mic tape off his face.lol…
Watching the boys laugh so hard at us omg… Soooo ♥♥♥♥♥♥ i cant get over it^^
Siwons scream when getting shot by kangin was so high pitched and he kept acting hurt saying 아파요… So cute!!
Seeing Hae laughing so hard at the members and fans “dying” ♥♥♥♥
SJ are the best. Their relationship with each other and with ELF…. No other group can compete with. Seriously.^^
Yehae♥♥♥ RT @Amdey Yesung was all over donghae today, talking to him, dunno if he was making sure he was okay? Good big brother =)
Today cant be it. Please please please let there be Inki tomorrow!! 제발!!!
There were plenty of yekyu moments too.. Holding hands.. Whispering to each other etc^^♥
Kangin was one of the last ones to enter the stage after the break and he came running all excited saying OK!^^
One sad thing…. No extra SJ skin today… ㅋㅋㅋㅋ but they still looked soooo handsome!!"
cr : Source: @sjissj (via sup3rjunior.com)

Eunhyuk Oppa updated his twitter after the Music Core. Kya,.. it's the pic of cute ELF,... 

@AllRiseSilver ‘Like being shot by a gun’* sung by ELF twitpic.com/apvqyl

@jjongsoohyelims: @AllRiseSilver Today’s ending zzang! ELF zzang zzang!!
@AllRiseSilver: @jjongsoohyelims Our ELF’s acting is very good, isn’t it?

kkk,.. Eunhyuk Oppa and Hyelim Eonni are very close. For everyone who doesnt know who is Hyelim Eonni, she is SM's dancer. :)

Here the pictures of Uri Oppa-deul after MBC Music Core Recording :

Credit: @nkh0625 (via sup3rjunior.com)


  1. I think it should be better if you could embed the video from youtube (not just a link) so that we can see the video live on your site.

    how to embed? its simple just choose share button on youtube video (on youtube.com) than choose embed. then paste on your posting html mode.

    that is my suggest for you to make this site better :)

  2. @mohamad rivani : AHA~ Thank you so much,.. that's so right that i should embed the video. but don't know how. Thanks for infoing me how to embed,.. that's a very good of you. Thank you very much <3
