
130110 [Fan Account] About The Accident After KYUHYUN's 'Catch Me If You Can'

* my opinion,.. I hope there won't be something like this happening again in the future,... Kyu Oppa must be sooo worried,.. I heard he and the manager still in the police station now,.. T.T , Please be carefull next time. Yeah,.. everyone want to be beside Kyuhyun. But think about ur safety. *

1 @Lovechokyulate:

So as usual everyone waited for kyu to come out at the carpark. Once he came out he waved and all that but everyone was still pushing. Its like even if you want to leave the crowd you can't. He managed to successfully get into the car. This time it took a lot less time than on 3jan but the pushing was of course still existent. Because I couldn't stand being squashed and pushed, I left to stand at the side where the car would drive pass. From the side, I saw the manager park the car and left to go into the building. I thought maybe they forgot something or something along that line but the next thing I knew, I saw an ambulance and police car coming. That's when I realised someone probably got injured. As to how the person got injured, I have no idea because I wasn't there but from a jap fan's tweet, it seems like it has something to do with the car. So I'm guessing that people were rushing towards the car while the car was reversing and someone got injured? From what I know, Kyu is not injured.

Seriously people, I don't get why you would want to rush towards the car? Is your life not important? It's not like rushing towards the car would make Kyu like you more or something. In fact its the complete opposite! Can't everyone just leave a space for him to walk to the car, and then leave a space for the car to drive away? Don't you think he would be happier this way? He still waved from the car today but I could tell his mood wasn't as good anymore. After today's incident, to be honest, I won't be surprised if they disallow fans to wait at the carpark the next time.

OK END OF RANT! Just please everyone, be careful next time! There is a limit to fangirling......... And your life is definitely more important!

2 @2Kyuhyun :

[!] The accident after musical CMIYC just now The manager was parking car close to the footpath while honking, giving warning sign so that fans could get on the footpath. One of the fan fails to get on the footpath and was placed on top of by the car's tyre. Other fans knock on the car so the manager stopped and got down from the car. Kyuhyun lowered the window and his face expression was not good (he was worried). The injured fan said she is okay so the manager slightly moved the car and came back to her again. After 5 minutes, he moved the car again so the fans stop taking Kyuhyun photos. Finally the police came, Kyuhyun and manager went to the police station. cr: @2kyuhyun

credit : lovechokyulate, 2Kyuhyun
please credit 'sheilanda-superjunior.blogspot.com' as well. kamsahamnida <3

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