
121113 Shindong Twitter Update : CrayonPop-Dancing Queen is amazing!

: 크레용팝-댄싱퀸 대단하다!! 저 이름표 카메라 리허설때 카메라 감독님들 헷갈리지말라고하는 저 이름표!! ㅋㅋ 그리고 댄스!!! 으악!!! 내가 만들고 싶은걸그룹이 나왓다!!! 다들 열씸히하네.. !! 보기조아요^^

: Trans Shindong: CrayonPop-Dancing Queen is amazing! Those name plates that makes sure camera pds dont mix you up! And dance! Ah! A girlgroup i wanna make is out! They all work hard! Good Sight to see 

Credits  :
trans by NKsubs
POSTED and re upload HERE BY Sheilanda Park ()
please credit 'sheilanda-superjunior.blogspot.com' as well. kamsahamnida <3 

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