
121106 Shindong Twitter Update : Long time no see!!!...

: 오랜만!!! 역시!! 에너지!! 바로 이맛이야!!! (여러분 남들 앞에 나서기 힘들다면 분장을 추천합니다!! 등장만으로 모두를 제압할수 있습니다!! 강추) 정현누나 존경합니다 !!

  : Long time no see!!! Too!! Energy!! There's this taste right away!!! (If your referring to the chapter minutes before embarking on something!! you can overpower all just appeared to be exceptional!!) respect the sinusoid sister!!

Credits :
trans by BING
POSTED and re upload HERE BY Sheilanda Park ()
please credit 'sheilanda-superjunior.blogspot.com' as well. kamsahamnida <3 

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