
121106 Ryeowook Twitter Update : While climbing the Acrocorinthos mountain...

Something for LEETEUK Oppa, We Wait For You~ 
121106 Super Junior 7th Years Anniversary : 2005 - 2012 Tribute 'WAY' [ENG SUB]

: 그리스 아크로코린토스 산을 오르며... 중간쯤 오르다 뒤를 돌아보니 쫙~ 캬 올라온 길을 보니 뿌듯하기도하고~ 근데 앞에 올라갈 곳을 또 보니 아직도 멀었구나 ...하는 생각이 그래도 만쉐~^^ 7년 고마워요 ♥

: While climbing the Acrocorinthos mountain... Turned around half way up and the view was kya~~ I felt proud looking at how much I climbed. But looking ahead, I thought 'much more to go...'. But still Mansae! (similar phrase to 'hurrah' in English) ~^^ thanks for 7 years!

Credits :
trans by @NKsubs
POSTED and re upload HERE BY Sheilanda Park ()
please credit 'sheilanda-superjunior.blogspot.com' as well. kamsahamnida <3 

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